Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Scary Spider Cupcakes....

Riley & Syd each have to bring "treats" to their preschool Halloween party this week. I was bored, surfing the net for some creative baking project to do, and came across this idea. Not sure where I saw it, b/c I was on so many different websites, but thought it was a great idea! So, you frost the cupcakes with white first, then use a tip point (I have a Wilton decorating kit) to do concentric circles on top of the white. Then, take a toothpick, run it through the circles to create the spider web look. Finally, top with a plastic spider ring that the kids can have to wear later...and presto, cute Halloween cupcakes. They were actually fun to make & not too terribly time consuming. Hope the kids like them as much as I do!




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