Friday, May 25, 2012

Kindergarten days gone, now on to FIRST grade!

Today was the last day of school, and the awards ceremony! We were all very proud of Riley, she won several awards. She won perfect attendance, most improved Spring Math MAP score, 100 AR points, & no refocuses for the entire 2011-2012 school year! Good job, Riley...keep up the hard work next year! (Once again, my mom took these pictures) I need a new camera!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Riley & Ryan @ the Kindergarten Rodeo

Riley's Kindergarten class had a Rodeo Roundup this past Friday.
They had tons of fun, did barrel racing, horse shoe throwing, lasso roping,
& line dancing. I even have video of the line dancing, I just have to figure out how to upload it!
Super cute though, and they had a great time. Here are some pictures of Riley & her
pal, Ryan.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Riley Jo....

These are some pictures that my mom took after Riley's dance recital last night. Riley Jo, you are a great kid, a wonderful gift from make us proud! You are beautiful, full of life and energy and have out of this world potential! May you always dance like no one is watching!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Me Lost My Cookie....

The theme song for Sydney's tap dance this year was "Me Lost My Cookie At The Disco", a song from Sesame Street. If you haven't heard it, check it out. Its a catchy tune! Sydney loved being on stage, and the girls in her class did a great job. Once again, my mom took these photos. We were lucky enough to have a chance to take a picture with one of Sydney's best friends, Noelle.
These girls danced their little hearts out & they were great!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

End of the Year...Dance Recital

Tonight both girls had their rehearsal for their upcoming Dance Recitals. Unfortuneately, they are not on the same night...but that's the way the cookie crumbled. It was great to watch them practicing today, they both did really well. Riley's costume is a cat, and their dance is about case you are wondering why she is holding her hands the way she is in the picture. Sydney loves anything that involves being a performer, as you can tell. We are proud of them both! Our cousin, Emma is in the dance recital this year too, but we weren't able to get any good pictures of the 3 of them together. We are looking forward to watching her too!

T-ball season is off with a bang...and we managed to have one year where both girls could be on the same team. This makes for easier scheduling....Armand decided to help with coaching, and the girls love having their "dad time". They are both enjoying it so far, and love to have Grandma Gae & mom as their fans! All the teams this year are doing great, and its so cute to watch!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Best Friends....

Tyler, kindly ushering Sydney through the herd of cows,
as any gentleman should do....
Mama cow. She was harmless.

Sydney & Tyler having a blast jumping on the trampoline

Riley & her best buddy in the world, Ryan.

These two boys are brothers, and they are the same age as our two girls. They are the sweetest
boys ever, and I can see why my girls like to be with them.
Riley & Ryan are in the same kindergarten class this year,
and Sydney is hoping that history repeats itself with the siblings....
I couldn't ask for two better kids for my girls to enjoy
spending time with!


Monday, April 9, 2012


Armand and the girls preparing the eggs for the EB.
I'm just the photographer.
We had a mishap right off the bat when the decoration melted
to the egg holder....

Grandma Gae

Grandma Gae spending some time working on a puzzle
with Sydney on Easter.
So nice to have her with us- its always better if Grandparents
are there!

Easter Gifts from Grandma

Grandma Kathy brought the girls some fun Easter gifts.
Here are some pictures of them enjoying them-
but I can't take credit for the photos, these were again taken
by my mom!

These little people make life so fun.....

Riley & Sydney at the end of egg hunting...
After brunch, on the golf course.
Riley's first few egg finds.
Sydney's first find of the hunt.
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Random Bunny...

So we were sitting in my kitchen, and we notice this random Easter Bunny walking down the highway.
What in the heck? Who does this?
It came over to us, let us take a few pictures & then went on its
merry way! Weird.

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We miss you Papa Father!

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