Thursday, October 9, 2008

Let it Snow...Already???

Today it snowed & Riley wanted to go outside and play so badly. It was only 22 degrees outside, but that did not stop her.
She was running and doing "jumping jacks" in the snow. It was so refreshing to see how
exciting small things are through a child's eyes.....made me think to stop
and appreciate the small things that I often overlook! However, note the frown on Riley's face in the
first picture, she was mad when I told her I myself am not exactly a snow fan!
"Well, dad is!!"

Jumping jacks anyone??

Sydney wanted to go outside too!
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Colorado Cullens said...

Of course she wants to go out too. Clare can't stand to be left out either. I have to hide with her in the bedroom while the girls are going out to play with friends....poor third child.