Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Park County Humane Society...For Their Birthdays!

This year, for the girls' birthdays, we decided to do something "good for the world around us". I gave the girls the choice
between donating to the Children's Library, or to the Park County Humane Society. They chose the Humane Society...
So, instead of gifts for their birthday from their friends, we asked for donations to the Humane Society. Before their "big day"
I took them to the Humane Society, and Heidi (the lady who runs it) gave them the "Grand Tour". They were sold on
helping out these homeless animals! We got to deliver the goods the week after their party, and I think it made them feel
great to know they were helping others out! A good life lesson, (at least I hope)....
P.S...they did still get birthday gifts from family, so they weren't without a few birthday presents! : )

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