Friday, December 5, 2008

Fun with the Camera!

Grandma Gae gave us this Moose cookie making kit...and it was hard! The dough didn't want
to come out of the cookie cutter, so most of the moose legs were
ruined. Not to mention the fact that Riley was insistent on using her
play-dough rolling pin to flatten the dough! But we had fun making a mess.

Mom & Riley...check out the fab lipgloss that Riley insisted I wear for dress up!

Ok, so in this picture we had been playing babysitter/going to work for
HOURS..I was the babysitter and Riley had to go to a "meeting" at the
hospital. So this was her meeting attire. PJs, purse, snowboots and don't
forget the ever important leopard print sunglasses...her future is so bright,
she's gotta wear shades. And some stylin' shades at that!
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curryclan said...

that is so flippin hilarious