Friday, November 12, 2010

We had a GREAT girls night in last night! It was full of good conversation, good company & yummy food! For party "favors"
I found this cute idea online. First, I found a poem, this one was about Being Thankful (see poem above) and it was
perfect for this time of year! I printed it on cardstock, and bought these picture frames w/ magnets on the back, cut the poem to
fit, decorated w/ a few stickers. Then, I wanted to somehow incorporate a pay it forward theme.
There are several websites that will mail you these cards already pre-cut. Unfortunately, mine didn' t arrive in time. I did print
these cards directly from a website, and cut them out. The idea is to do something anonymous, and kind for a stranger, leave
this card behind, and hope that the stranger pays a kind deed forward to someone else! Great for getting people in the holiday spirit! I also found this game online a few months back, called "Not Your Mother's Dinner Party" table top game. Its a fun game, great conversation starter, and you learn a lot about the people you are with! We shared some great stories and some good laughs! Thanks to all of you who came, looking forward to our next one!

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