Tuesday, October 19, 2010

So, for those of you who don't know...and are wondering WHY I am posting both girls birthday pics..their birthdays are only 3 days apart. So far, I've been able to get away with having ONE party for both girls. I'll take that as long as I can! Even more interesting, our nephew's birthday is three days before Sydney's, and my mother-in-law's birthday is 3 days after Riley's!! So every 3 days for 12 days, someone in our family has a birthday! October is a BUSY month!


Amy said...

My children's birthday's are only 2 days apart...next week. I also can do one birthday party...but I wonder how long I can keep doing that? It's almost like having twins:) Happy Birthday to your girls:)

Amy said...

Sorry, the previous comment was mine.

Amy Coen