Sunday, September 26, 2010

How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?

Our neighbor next door has a huge pumpkin patch & invited the girls over tonight to pick out their pumpkins. Surprisingly, they both picked perfectly small, round ones! There were pumpkins of every size & shape...they did pick a BIG round one for their dad. Interestingly, Riley & I checked out this book at the library last week. We both learned some pumpkin trivia that I had never heard before. The biggest pumpkin doesn't always have the most seeds. Did you know that you can tell which pumpkin has the most seeds by counting the number of lines on the outside? The more lines the pumpkin has, the more rows of seeds inside. I had to laugh out loud when Riley informed the "pumpkin lady" of this little known fact...guess our reading has stuck w/ her more than I thought!! Happy Pumpkin Picking!


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